Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson

Whoo! I'm halfway through my reading goal for this year, and I have a week of vacation coming up where I should be able to more than catch up. Lucky number 13 was "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson.

I first got interested in this book after hearing this author interview on NPR. I'm so glad I decided to read this novel; it's really kept me pondering and thinking long after I've put the book down for the day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why I Cringe Every Time I See a DIY Project Using an Old Wooden Pallet

I spend a lot of time on Pinterest looking for DIY projects, and one thing you see a lot of on the Pinterest "DIY & Crafts" section is projects that "upcycle" old wooden pallets.

This (usually) horrifies me, because these projects often seemed destined for interior spaces and never seem to mention the dangers of using pallets.